In the movie Journey 2: The Mysterious Island, there is a moment when Sean Anderson (played by Josh Hutcherson) sees something falling from the sky, and Alexander Anderson (played by Michael Cain) confirms that it is not just ash, but golden ash. In the far distance, a volcano was getting ready to erupt.
There's a line in this scene that grabbed my attention. Sean Anderson says, after spotting the volcano, "volcanoes are made of what they erupt." This one line impacted me so much because nothing that isn't in us - will come out of us.
And at a recent mastermind, I attended hosted Merge Worldwide, speaker and author Jesse Cruz shared an illustration of the same spirit. He said: Whatever is inside us will boil over and pour out when we are poked or provoked. Think of a coffee cup. If the cup is dropped, what's inside won't change; rather, the coffee will spill over. Likewise, if all we have is hatred and greed and chaos in us when poked or provoked, that's what's going to come out.
The truth is that the moment of tension and challenge will only bring out what's already in us. Just as a volcano feels pressure before it's about to erupt and it begins to release into the air what's already in it, so too will you erupt what's in you in the moment of pressure. And that can either be something that's a blessing or not.
My mentor Reverend Miguel Ayala would always say "no one can give what they don't have". The idea here is clear - we can try to hide what's inside, but we cannot teach others what isn't inside of us. What's made me successful as a personal growth strategist is that I'm always looking to grow. I'm always looking for new ways to properly place strategies to achieve a specific end point.
Whatever is in you, in the moment of tension, that's just going to come out. Whenever you're poked or provoked or stumble. But you can always reinvent yourself. You can always start over. And maybe, in years past, you didn't produce what you could have, but who's to say this year can't be different?
Maybe you have a finish line in mind but need a strategy. Click here to be taken to my calendar and set up a free 30-minute strategy session. Week one of 2022 is in the books, don't let week 51 come and find you in the same position.
I’m Miguel, and the above is just my opinion. Are you looking for more content like this? Here’s a complete list of articles and information for a free 30 Minute strategy session. Here's what I’m doing now and what I don’t do. I’d love it if you listened to my podcast, Strategy Rewind.
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