The Code

Miguel Lebron • February 6, 2022
The Code

It's fair to presume that we all want our personal and work lives to be in harmony. Establishing a code for one's life is essential. A code, often known as an ethical code, is a set of principles that guide you in your personal and professional life. 

A Code enables you to maintain focus. As opportunities present themselves, those opportunities may not align with your code; therefore, you'll be better equipped to make smarter decisions.

It also allows you to establish goals, as each goal should be aligned with your personal code.

You can set a code by deciphering your core values or things you hold in high regard in your life. By creating pillars in your life, you'll also be better positioned to develop a code for your life.

I, for one, have adopted the code of Christian ethics, which begins with God's commands. Moses received the six hundred and thirteen commandments. They were reduced to eleven by David (Psalm 15), six by Isaiah (Isaiah 33:15), three by Micah (Micah 6:8), and two by Jesus. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.' The second is, love your neighbor as yourself." There is no other command greater than these (Mark 12:30-31). My code is built on these two laws, and it has been north in my life. 

What is your code built on? Remember the famous words of Malcolm X, "A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything."

I’m Miguel, and the above is just my opinion. Are you looking for more content like this? Here’s a complete list of articles and information for a free 30 Minute strategy session. Here's what I’m doing now and what I don’t do. I’d love it if you listened to my podcast, Strategy Rewind.


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