Passing The Plateau

Miguel Lebron • July 1, 2020

don't settle for the road less traveled, carve your own.

There is a lot that goes into accomplishing a goal. Sleepless nights, criticism, missing out on particular gatherings, and the list goes on and on. But it is euphoric when you can say: I did it! The feeling one gets after accomplishing the desired goal is addicting. For this reason, I have often said: Hard work begot greatness; because when you see the results of your hard work and, the greatness achieved, it awakens the desire to see much greater things.
what is a plateau?

While the journey to the top is a challenging one, the view is magnificent. When you finally accomplish a goal you set for yourself, and you begin to look at how far you have come, it is awe-inspiring, and frankly, the view is great when you are on top. However, it is there at the summit that you must remember: much greater victories are up ahead. While the view is mesmerizing, it can also be paralyzing; causing you to ask: how do I pass this plateau?

1. remember why you started.
There is truly no other feeling like when you have finally accomplished something you have been working so long to obtain. There were moments of fear of failure, anxiety, self-doubt, and even thought of quitting along the way, but you stuck with it and accomplished your goal. Congratulations!

We face countless challenges on the journey. However, many times the challenge only gets bigger after accomplishing the desired level of success. One of the biggest challenges is forgetting why you started; your vision.

In the 17th chapter of the 1st book of Samuel, we find a giant is threatening the Israelites. We find that he comes the morning, noon, and night challenging the army and the God they serve, yet no one would make a move. It is obvious they were paralyzed by fear; I guess they forgot why they became soldiers. It is in the midst of this "battle" that the father of David sends him with food for his brothers who were soldiers in the army.

As we continue reading, we find that in verse 26, David spoke to those who stood by him, asking: What will you do to the man who defeats this Philistine and will take away the reproach of Israel? Keep in mind that David was only there to deliver food to his brothers. David was not a soldier, nor had he been trained, but he had a zeal for the God of Israel. It was that zeal which brought him to the battle line ready to fight as he asked: Who is this uncircumcised Philistine, to provoke the squads of the living God?

In the face of adversity, David maintains his zeal for God and the vision of putting the God of Israel on high. When conformity sets in, zeal toward the vision vanishes. Zeal is the enthusiasm we exuberate while in pursuit of a cause or an objective. Sadly, many times we only feel enthusiasm while in pursuit, but it dwindles once we've arrived.

To pass the plateau, we first have to remember why we started in the first place and reignite that zeal for the vision.

The differences between a goal, a vision, and your why.

2. decide.
As you go to battle, to accomplish the desired level of success, you want to surround yourself with people that will nourish your vision. The last thing you need is people, who in the face of adversity, will renege on the declarations made at the start of the journey. Sometimes, we feel forced to make a decision: either keep an unhealthy circle or break the seal. While this is an unwanted problem while trying to reach your goals, some times this takes center stage upon arriving at the promised land. When the Israelites arrive at the promised land, it is Joshua who rises to remind them why they initiated the trip in the first place.

The promised land was a place of peace, security, and victory with the God of Israel. After they had arrived at the promised land and after Joshua gives a discourse reminding them what it all meant, he then asked them to make a decision. In the book that bears his name, Joshua speaks to the Israelites and says: "Now, therefore, fear the Lord, and serve him with integrity and in truth; and remove from among you the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the river, and in Egypt; and serve Jehovah. And if it seems bad to you to serve Jehovah, choose you today whom you will serve; whether to the gods whom your fathers served, when they were on the other side of the river, or to the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell; but I and my house will serve Jehovah."

Let us observe that Joshua, despite the long journey, he had not lost his zeal. He also had not lost sight of the vision, which was to be in complete harmony with the God of Israel and lead others to experience peace, security, and victory with the God of Isreal. What Joshua was asking the people to do is decide.

Have you ever taken a road trip with kids that are constantly asking: are we there yet? Of course, this can cause a particular level of frustration. However, if upon arriving at the destination, they show little to no gratitude, this will be another level of frustration. Such was the issue Joshua was facing with the Israelites, but he said to them: I am determined to do what you want to do, say what you want to say, go where you want to go, but I am determined! 

Upon arriving at the summit, we must display further determination for the overall vision we have laid out. Over celebrating the goals accomplished, can distract us from our set vision, and put a stop to our journey.

3. you need to change _________________.
A new level calls for a new strategy, new goals, a new desire, a renewed passion. Upon having grasped your vision, reignited your zeal for that vision, and decide to go full force towards that vision, you must resolve within yourself the necessary change that needs to take place. You may have thought those adjustments were the changes that need to take place, but indeed you still need to adjust not just your coordinates, but also ______________.

Identifying your setback doesn't mean you understand why you had a setback in the first place.

I have had a moment of a plateau in my life. I have found that usually, it has something to do with my routines, either something I am doing that isn't helping, or something I stopped doing that was. Start looking at your daily habits; places you go, things you see, hear, or people you do or don't do those things with. What you do before you walk out of the door will affect the way you come back to it. If your routine isn't working, change it. If you are giving some people to much power or input in your life and they are not contributing to your growth, then resolve in your heart this issue and CHANGE IT.

Many times we look at change as a negative thing. When a person gets married and does not hang out with their friends as before, they say: "you've changed." When a person receives a promotion, and this allows a financial growth and lifestyle change, many may feel resentment and say: "you've changed." However, change made for the betterment of oneself is not bad.

The next level is going to require you have a clear idea of your vision. It demands that you be decided and show resolve in that decision. That you would choose if you are committed to the road not less traveled, but rather not yet carved; understanding it is a road that will call for change.


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