Love and Leadership

Miguel Lebron • June 16, 2021
Love and Leadership

It's 11:31 PM and the kids are asleep, well, all but Amelia. I only mention that because as the kids are sleeping, my wife and I are at the dining table. She is at one end and I am at another. We both have laptops out and are doing work. She is working on her academic goals, whereas I am working on this blog and an upcoming project (secret, can't talk about it).

I have learned that one of the hardest things to balance is leadership and relationships; not just platonic relationships but also romantic relationships. Rather you are someone who hasn't settled down or like me, happily married, the challenge of balancing your dreams and goals with your significant other is real. 

Mairy and I have been together for fourteen years. That's one year as friends, one year as boyfriend and girlfriend, and one year engaged; and eleven married. God has been good, but the struggle is real! And it takes a few things to be able to maintain a relationship while still keeping your eyes on your goals. 

Often people enter into relationships that rob them of themselves. How many people do you know that started a relationship, rather platonic or romantic, and they are no longer as driven or ambitious as they once were? It's as if by settling down, they also settled in life. I cannot do that and I can't allow my wife to do that either. We are one in marriage, but we are still individuals, and as such, we have family goals and personal goals. As I mentioned, Mairy is at the end of the dining table with her laptop doing academic work and I am at the other end working on my laptop.

"Balancing on a rope requires skill, steady feet, a steady mind, and a sense of weight control. As you can see, the act of balancing consists of several things. Some of these things may be small but at the same time necessary to put the act together." - Ginel Love, author of 25 Tips To Balance Everyday Work and Play

Consider the following when attempting to balance your goals and dreams and your relationship. 


- Communication is the sharing of ideas, feels, fears, likes, and dislikes. But it's not just about sharing those details, it's also actively listening when someone else shares those details. Text, video chat, audio recordings, emails, phone calls, and a hidden letter for them to find are all simple but effective ways to communicate in the relationship. Talk often and talk about everything.


- Numerous leaders understand how to invest in their goals to secure ongoing success. However, many of them make the error of never spending time with their spouses and families. Unexpected phone calls, vacations, and thoughtful acts may all be considered investments. Take time out for those who love you all the time, no matter if you met the deadline or not.


- As you communicate and invest the necessary time with your family, loved ones, significant other, remember to push them. It is often easy to push someone who works for you or is part of your team. Deadlines are coming up and there are expectations also you see the potential in them and want them to grow. Those same wants and ability to push should be done lovingly with those whom you love.

Final Thought

As you apply these simple yet purposeful tactics, you will grow in all areas of your life. The fact is that life-work balance isn't real, but harmony is. And the way to maintain harmony is to maintain the connection. Just as your organization has a vision, so to your significant other has a vision and you also, so talk about it, spend time making it a reality, and push each other to achieve more.


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