Change Vs. Transformation

Miguel Lebron • July 6, 2021
Change vs. Transformation

There is a profound difference between change and transformation. The difference is actually more significant than what we think. These two words are frequently linked and taken as though they are interchangeable when indeed they are not. Think about the metamorphosis that a butterfly goes through. The butterfly started off as a caterpillar and yet transformed into a beautiful butterfly. The transformation did not start on the outside, but rather it began on the inside. The caterpillar did not disguise itself as a butterfly or force itself to look like a butterfly. Nor did it try to walk like a butterfly or act like a butterfly; it simply transformed into a butterfly. 

The term "transformation" is derived from the Greek word "metamorphoō." The terms transformation and change are not interchangeable. The idea of change necessitates looking back in time to events that have already occurred. For example, if someone is aware that they are irritable, they can recognize this by examining their previous errors. Or the circumstances that have brought them to this point; by doing so, they can decide to make a change. As a result, change looks to the past to create a better present. 

On the other hand, transformation looks to the future, establishes a vision, and works to make that vision a reality. For a genuine transformation to occur, our basic beliefs and values must be challenged, resulting in a new version of ourselves. To go through a transformation, we must be open to development and the possibility of reaching new heights. Transformation necessitates a shift in viewpoint, belief, and ideology or values. Therefore, it starts on the inside and then manifests itself outwardly.

As mentioned, change necessitates an event; something must motivate us to alter our behavior or change our course. 

But how do we apply change?

So when you have gotten to your wit's end, when you've arrived at the end of the line, when you're sick and tired of being sick and tired, true transformation takes place. We change the direction that we are going by reevaluating everything that has led us to where we are. Having completed this action, we can then create a vision of what we want the future to be, start that transformation, and walk. This is the idea of getting sick and tired of being sick and tired; essentially, it's deciding to make a change and allow a true transformation to happen inwardly, which will manifest itself outwardly.

If what you're doing as a leader isn't working, instead of criticizing people under your direction, why not examine your own service? Perhaps what is necessary is not a change in style, program, or training, but rather a true metamorphosis in which the philosophies, values, and fundamental beliefs are questioned. This is how real growth occurs.

Complacency suffocates growth 100% of the time. Inconsistency stifles growth 100% of the time. And if we fail to rethink, honestly examine ourselves, and reflect, we will not be able to shift direction and witness genuine progress in our lives or in the lives of those we lead. So, I advise you to reconsider your course of action. If it isn't going in the correct way, alter it, and enable transformation to occur at a fundamental level so that you may see your ultimate breakthrough.


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