First Monday.
The first Monday of the year is viewed with great optimism and in this article, @themiguellebron outlines how we can take that same optimism and welcome each Monday of the year.
Use the link in the bio to read this article and if you find this post insightful, remember to give it a ♥️ and a👍.
#optimism #personalgrowth #grwothmindset #firstmonday
It's tough when we feel as though no one can hold us accountable. As John C. Maxwell said: "People buy into the leader before they buy into the vision." Often the love people have for the leader is one, where they don't hold the leader accountable. They either think the leader can do no wrong or that there's something they just don't know, some exclusive detail that only the leader is privy to. While this may be the case some of the time, it can't be a shield the leader hides behind, they've got to be able to explain why they took said actions; even if it was a mistake. That much they owe the people around them.
The official definition of greatness is the quality of being great, distinguished, or eminent. Often we see individuals who can rally people together and generate a change; they have an impact. However, these individuals aren’t looking for fame or power; they are simply trying to make a difference. The individuals who utilize their gift to impact the lives they come in contact with positively are those who consciously or unconsciously have tapped into their greatness. As Dr. King said, “Everyone has the power for greatness, not for fame but greatness, because greatness is determined by service.”
Optimism creates opportunities. You'll be rewarded with the view if you're prepared to climb the hill; this is a fresh perspective, one that is necessary for what is ahead.
Understand that deciding to move towards your vision is going to require you to close the door on the things that are not giving life to that vision; if it doesn't contribute to your growth, then it's feeding your stagnation. And remember, if your current tribe isn't nourishing your vision, there is a cloud of witnesses that are ready to help you create a new tribe.
A toddler tetters and totters, and no one says a word; in fact, we encourage them to keep walking. Yet if an adult is seen in this position, people will either show sympathy, empathy, laugh, or ignore the event. I think we have a wide range of reactions because we assume the adult should already knows how to keep a balance. However, "to err is human" as Alexander Pope said.
There is a profound difference between change and transformation. The difference is actually more significant than what we think. These two words are frequently linked and taken as though they are interchangeable when indeed they are not. Think about the metamorphosis that a butterfly goes through. The butterfly started off as a caterpillar and yet transformed into a beautiful butterfly. The transformation did not start on the outside, but rather it began on the inside. The caterpillar did not disguise itself as a butterfly or force itself to look like a butterfly. Nor did it try to walk like a butterfly or act like a butterfly; it simply transformed into a butterfly.
In the face of adversity, we have several options; we can either face it head-on, quit, or give up.
To face it head-on would require a complete understanding of the resources we have. Every breakthrough moment necessitates a strategy, and no one has ever won a battle without one.
In this article, @jessecruzspeaks shares powerful story which allowed him to understand, the entire world is a platform to share his story.
Use the link in our bio to read the full article!
#power #powerinyourstory #NewArticle #LinkInBio
A new article has been published.
'I am not a life coach' by @themiguellebron
Use the link in our bio to read this powerful article.
Our latest article was written by Ivelisse Gonzalez from @the_genesis_life
"The pursuit of perfectionism can be exhausting and stressful. The “all or nothing” mentality can cause paralysis; it creates fear and stops you from living your dreams. But I didn’t always see it this way."
- Ivelisse Gonzalez, Recovering Perfectionist.
Use the link in the bio to read the full article!
#Blog #NewBlogPost #NewArticle #Perfectionism #GrowthMinset
Articles written in May 2021.
May 4th - The Impact Of A Year
May 11th - Discover Your Purpose
May 18th - Vacation Ready
May 25th - The Blame Game
Use the link in our bio the fear these and many more!
Articles written by @themiguellebron
Follow @faithandleadershipblog
#FaithAndLeadershipBlog #MiguelLebron
#Articles #May #Blog #LinkInBio
To walk in your purpose you must first, define your space. To define your space means that you identify what it is that you do like no other. This isn't a matter of comparison, this is a matter of recognition, of self-recognition.
#Leadership #FaithAndLeadershipBlog #NewBlogPost #LinkInBio #LeadershipQualities #LeadershipDevelopment
The Impact Of A Year.
The death of a dream occurs over the course of a year, a year of failure to act on the part of the dreamer. However, in this blog, we will look at the impact that a year of strategizing and planning can have on a dream.
#Leadership #FaithAndLeadershipBlog #NewBlogPost #LinkInBio #LeadershipQualities #LeadershipDevelopment
Join us in wishing @themiguellebron a very happy birthday!
#happybirthday #est88
Rocky's memorable script is jam-packed with motivational quotes. Here are 10 Things Rocky Balboa Would Say About Growth.
@officialslystallone 🥊
#rockybalboa #rocky #NewBlogPost #LinkInBio #LeadershipDevelopment #growth #growthmindset #10quotes
Rocky's memorable script is jam-packed with motivational quotes. Here are 5 Things Rocky Balboa Would Say About Growth.
#rockybalboa #rocky #motivationalquotes #growth
Today is the 82nd day of 2021. In celebration, I've written an 82 word article speaking about an important lesson I've learned thus far.
#LinkInBio #FaithAndLeadershipBlog #Day82 #2021 #NewBlogPost
New blog post is available.
As we reflect on the journey, the highs, lows, and moments of failure, we gain insight into how we arrived at the finish line. With this newly gained insight, we are able to put into practice the lessons learned and once again reach new milestones.
#Leadership #FaithAndLeadershipBlog #NewBlogPost #LinkInBio #LeadershipQualities #LeadershipDevelopment
As a leader, we must come to understand our team's strengths and weaknesses (everyone has weaknesses) and we must facilitate an environment where the individual's strength is strengthened and their weaknesses are addressed.
#NewBlogPost #LinkInBio #BecomingABetterLeader #GaryVee
Be of service.♥️
"Small beginnings are always better than not beginning at all."
Too many people are consumed by fear and therefore aren't walking towards their dreams. They are fearful of what others may say, fearful of what may or may not happen, and that fear is paralyzing. Many times, you may even look at your current state and think that because you are in a small position, you can't grow into a greater position. Remember this, small beginnings are always better than not beginning at all.
#leadership #leadershipdevelopment #leadershiptalk #begin #idareyoutodream
"Faith is an unwavering belief that despite whatever may be happening, everything will be okay."
- Miguel Lebrón
#faith #growthmindset
"Surround yourself with people that will nourish your vision."
- Miguel Lebrón
#vision #growthmindset
"Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory."
- Dr. Seuss
#drseuss #drseussquotes #time
A new blog post is available!
In this article, we consider 10 Powerful Dr. Seuss quotes and observe his journey to impacting the world.
#drseussquotes #newblogpost #ImpactTheWorld #linkinbio
Take a moment to reflect. Examine your successes and mistakes to see if you can repeat or prevent them in the future.
#newmonth #goals
"Tomorrow may be fair, however stormy the sky of today."
- Lewis Howard Latimer
#leadership #blackleadership #BlackHistoryMonth #LewisHowardLatimer
"Failure is a part of success."
- Hank Aaron
#leadership #blackleadership #BlackHistoryMonth #HankAaron
"I always tell young people to hold on to their dreams. And sometimes you have to stand up for what you think is right even if you have to stand alone."
- Claudette Colvin
#leadership #blackleadership #BlackHistoryMonth #ClaudetteColvin
“Give light, and people will find the way.”
- Ella Baker
#leadership #blackleadership #BlackHistoryMonth #EllaBaker
"We must absolutely take care of one another." - Ruby Bridges
#leadership #blackleadership #BlackHistoryMonth #rubybridges
Use the link in our bio to read our latest blog!
#Leadership #blackhistorymonth #LinkInBio #becominglimitless
"Never limit yourself because of others' limited imagination; never limit others because of your own limited imagination."
- Mae C. Jemison
#leadership #blackleadership #BlackHistoryMonth #maecjemison
“Anything is possible when it’s done in love, and everything you can do should be done in love or it will fail.”
- Daniel Hale Williams
#leadership #blackleadership #BlackHistoryMonth #DanielHaleWilliams
"If you can be the best, then why not try to be the best?" - Garrett Morgan
#leadership #blackleadership #BlackHistoryMonth #GarrettMorgan
"In the long run, there is not much discrimination against superior talent."
- Carter G. Woodson
#leadership #blackleadership #BlackHistoryMonth #CarterGWoodson
Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.
- Arthur Robert Ashe Jr.
#leadership #blackleadership #BlackHistoryMonth #artherashe
"Don't count the days. Make the days count." - Muhammad Ali
#leadership #blackleadership #BlackHistoryMonth #MuhammadAli
“No greater glory, no greater honor,
is the lot of man departing than a feeling possessed deep in his heart that the world is a better place for his having lived” - Robert Sengstacke Abbott
#leadership #blackleadership #BlackHistoryMonth #RobertSengstackeAbbott
"Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses."
- George Washington Carver
#leadership #blackleadership #BlackHistoryMonth #GeorgeWashingtonCarver
"Character, not circumstances, makes the man." - Booker T. Washington
#leadership #blackleadership #BlackHistoryMonth #bookertwashington
"Don’t ever stop. Keep going. If you want a taste of freedom, keep going."
- Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman escaped to freedom in the North in 1849. Tubman’s date of birth is unknown, although it probably occurred between 1820 and 1825. She would become the most famous "conductor" on the Underground Railroad.
#leadership #blackleadership #BlackHistoryMonth #HarrietTubman
“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.”
- Martin Luther King Jr
#leadership #blackleadership #BlackHistoryMonth #MartinLutherKing
"None of us got where we are solely by pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps."
- Thurgood Marshall
#leadership #blackleadership #BlackHistoryMonth #ThurgoodMarshall
”You don’t make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas.” - Shirley Chisholm
#leadership #blackleadership #BlackHistoryMonth #ShirleyChisholm
"If I can create the minimum of my plans and desires there shall be no regrets."
- Bessie Coleman
(the first licensed Black pilot in the world)
#leadership #blackleadership #BlackHistoryMonth #bessiecoleman
"I wasn't concerned about first, second, or last. My work was my primary concern."
- Jane Bolin
#leadership #blackleadership #BlackHistoryMonth #JaneBolin
"Education and work are the levers to uplift a people." - W.E.B. Du Bois
#leadership #blackleadership #BlackHistoryMonth #WEBDuBois
"Truth is powerful and it prevails."
- Sojourner Truth
#leadership #blackleadership #BlackHistoryMonth #SojournerTruth
“A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.”
- Jackie Robinson
#leadership #blackleadership #BlackHistoryMonth #JackieRobinson
"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain." - Maya Angelou
#leadership #mayaangelou #BlackHistoryMonth #blackleadership
“We all have dreams. In order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline and effort.” - Jesse Owens
#leadership #JesseOwens #BlackHistoryMonth #blackleaders
"If you have no critics you’ll likely have no success." - Malcolm X
#leadership #MalcolmX #BlackHistoryMonth #blackleadership
“Nothing valuable shall be obtained without labor and agony.”
- Frederick Douglass
#leadership #FrederickDouglass #BlackHistoryMonth #blackleadership
"I have learned over the years that when one's mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear." - Rosa Parks
#leadership #rosaparks #BlackHistoryMonth #blackleadership
We asked and you all voted! 100% said Dustin Poirier was the bigger underdog this past weekend.
On Sept. 27, 2014, Dustin Poirier and Conor McGregor faced off for the first time on the main card of UFC 178 at the MGM Grand Garden Arena. On that night, six years, three months, and 27 days ago, Conor McGregor won in under two minutes. After UFC 178, Dustin Poirier would embark on a journey that would lead him to capture the interim UFC lightweight champion in 2019. Regardless of what Dustin Poirier accomplished in 2019 or the victories he had along the way, he walked into UFC 257 in Abu Dhabi as the clear underdog.
Check out the full blog!
Maybe you don't like MMA or don't watch American Football, that's fine. The story here is how both Poirier and Brady went into combat as underdogs. They weren't shouting, tweeting, or touting about their accolades, they just went to work.
#newblog #linkinbio #leadership #underdog #tombrady #dustinpoirier #faithandleadershipblog #growthmindset
Passion is like gasoline for a car. Gasoline will turn the car on, but without a destination you're just gonna waste fuel.
#passion #destination
😬 ideas are meant to be shared.
If you're going to attempt to reinvent anything, reinvent yourself.
The Faith and Leadership Blog is written with the intent to provide foundational leadership tools based up Biblical principles.
#Faith #Leadership #Blog #LinkInBio #FaithAndLeadershipBlog
"Protect your dreams, doubt is contagious." - Miguel Lebrón
Don't lose hope, but make sure to have a plan.
Yesterday, January 18th, 2021, we celebrated the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. In my household, on MLK day, my wife and I will talk to our daughters about the importance of equality and the impact of the speech titled "I have a dream". We talk to them about the importance of judging an individual not by the color of their skin, but the content of their character.
#MLK #MoreThanADream
#Leadership #lesdershipquotes #NewBlogPost #LinkInBio
“Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?” - Martin Luther King jr
#MLKDay #morethanadream
😖 seriously!?
Get your mission statement set and then develop a vision on how to make it a reality.
Two weeks into 2021.
Two different blogs available.
1st - Penny: five undervalued leadership qualities.
2nd - What trophy do we want on your mantle?
#blog #blogpost #2021 #weektwo #linkinbio #FaithAndLeadershipBlog
New blog post is available!
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Head over that way and hit the like button.
#NewBlogPost #LinkInBio #LeadershipQualities
🤯 not what we had in mind.
Legacy, that's what's it's all about.
Leave a legacy that echos in eternity.
Our first blog post of the year!
The five leadership qualities mentioned in this blog post are often overlooked, just like the penny that's been living in your cough. Likewise, while you may not have known it was there, you may have also not realized you have the potential to tap into these qualities.
⛽ + 🗺️
Shout out to all those women working in leadership - successfully.
In 2021, what kind of leader do you want to be?
A vision has no expiration date.
Goals have an expiration date.
There is a relationship that exists between our vision and the goals we set. The goals should be the daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly things we do to get closer to the vision.
Happy New Year! 🎆
#throwbackthursday to when we were Protest & Prayer, a blog which is available on our website.
Let's bring people together.
Procrastination kills progress. ⚰️
My last blog post for 2020, and I decided to answer 20 questions before saying hello to 2021.
“Everything negative – pressure, challenges – is all an opportunity for me to rise.” - Kobe Bryant
Happy holidays everyone!
The objective here is to complete your mission. That at the end of the year you find yourself bringing to life the vision of where you want to be and who you want to be. Why not put yourself in the best position to succeed? To do so, you would have to start now.
Follow @faithandleadershipblog for leadership content.
#blog #linkinmybio #2020 #leadershipdevelopment
"Leadership is lonely ... I'm not going to be afraid of confrontation to get us to where we need to go. There's a big misconception where people thinking winning or success comes from everybody putting their arms around each other and singing kumbaya and patting them on the back when they mess up, and that's just not reality. If you are going to be a leader, you are not going to please everybody. You have to hold people accountable. Even if you have that moment of being uncomfortable."
- Kobe Bryant
Source: NBA TV
Free your mind. 🧠
Focus on the things you can control. Take a deep breath and move one step at a time; you've got this.
Follow @faithandleadershipblog for leadership content.
#leadershiptalk #leadershipskills #leadershipdevelopment
What Is a Comma?
While a period ends a sentence, a comma indicates a smaller break. Some writers think of a comma as a soft pause.
Often, we can get so wrapped up with all the ideas, projects, meetings and responsibilities that we forget to take a soft pause.
Remember to take a soft pause. Display love to your love ones, take a moment for your mental health, and if you can - watch a Christmas movie. 🎄🍿
The Faith and Leadership Blog is written by @themiguellebron , with the intent to provide foundational leadership tools based up Biblical principles.
Follow @faithandleadershipblog for leadership content.
#leadership #leadershipskills #leadershipdevelopment